Boldly You!
Monday, October 15, 2012
  When I Was Young
when i was young
the hospital was
a familiar place

when i was young
i was restless

when i was young
all i wanted
to be free

when i was young...
when i was young...
when i was young...

before i could walk
i knew
i would

before i could speak
i knew
i would

before i was loved
i knew
i was

all of that
when i was young

from sun up
to sun down
i was not
easily found

the fields
my home

the trees
my home

the streets
my opportunity

when i was young
was different

when i was young
was everything

when i was young
my mind
could recall

when i was young...
when i was young...
when i was young...

it wasn't
all that

hey pops
what about me

hey mom
what about me

when i was young...

who was i?

at uncle bobs
i was
the king

that four fingered mit

catch with uncle russ
was everything

it was my time
it was
where i shined

when i was young...

who said
you could die

who said
you could leave

everything changed
back then

no more
uncle bob

the king
had lost
his throne

and different cities

roof tops
and any other places

no more noise
no more pain

how is it
i ended up
on the outside
looking in

another street
another place
another door

whatever happened
to a place
called home

you can't stay young

life happens

things change

what about me
home alone

all you can say
yo mom don't love me

what about me
and the totalled car
you called a gift

where were you?

i had no skills
no tools
just a dream

where were you?

another beer
another scotch
another ho

what about me?

i understand
i know the drill

keep tight
don't say a word
let you be
cause it's not
about me
it's all about you

life was hard for me
and yes
i know
it was worse
for you

you couldn't be a man

snaggin another ho
meant mo
than being a dad

who the hell were you
to tell me
what to do

who the hell were you
to take me on

it was my room
my place
my space
my home

where the hell were you

come on
is that really
where you wanted to go

well i don't want you there

it was my room
my place
my space
my home

where the hell were you

like a dream
what the hell

what happened
to me
being your son

did you really
just take a shot at me

i don't
want to fight

i don't
want to hit

but i will protect
my skin

so go ahead

knee me
push me through the glass
throw me through the wall

take it out on me

blame me for all
you couldn't do

blame me for not
being a man

don't tell me about mom

don't blame her for your choices

i don't know what the hell
you're talkin about

i don't know what the hell
you expect from me

go ahead
crack another beer

let's get it started

you were always such
a great drunk

mr nice guy to the world
mr asshole to me

who the hell were you

what about me

when i was young...

even today
it still hurts...

Saturday, September 04, 2010
  Relationships: What matters most...
We allow life to be a distraction when in fact it is meant to be the attraction.

What is it to say "I know" when all that you have lived is but a small sliver of life's possibility?

Thankful for the gift of being a father...

There is not a day that goes by that I am thankful for the gift of being a father. A father so fortunate as to have three amazingly beautiful, giving and free spirited children.

There is not a day that goes by that one or all of my children remind me that I am human first and father second. It is my example, even though it is imperfect and my choices as well as how I embrace them each and everyday that says "you matter", "you are someone", "you have the right to choose" and no matter the outcome "you there will be a way", ...possibility is yours if you are willing.

I was never one to wish or hope for tomorrow with any of my children as today was always what seemed to matter most. I didn't want to compare as I found it to be a distraction and detraction from the their truth. All I ever wanted was to savor each moment, each thought shared, each laugh laughed, each tear cried and even those moment when we are challenged most.

I want for my children what I wanted, to see the best of me as I looked into the eyes of parents.

At 49 I realize no matter how long I live in my heart and soul there will always be a boy, just as my children will always be the same.

As I sit here contemplating and experiencing those many moments of time with my children and how fast life can happen I realize that it is those times with them that are indeed priceless. It is those moments that life is as rich as it gets.

A time to grow, a time to let go...

Perhaps it is time for me to let go of past hurts and to allow my wounds to heal and to give time permission to soften the scars.

Perhaps it is time to look ahead with hope instead of back with doubt and to reach out once and for all there is and learn just how far possibility can take me and those who are most dear.

It is time to dream again, it is time to live...

I hope you will join me as share this new adventure with you, as I put the past to rest and begin to choose consciously the life I want to live.

Remember, even though you may live long, there is no guarantee that those who are most dear will live to see tomorrow. Your willingness to embrace those who are most dear in the moment is what will determine the fullness of the life you left to live.

Remember it all starts with embracing YOU!

May you follow your attraction for life and live your life to it's fullest.

Until next time, be well and take care.

Talk soon,


As I like to say...

Possibility is not an accident, it's a choice.

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Sunday, August 08, 2010
  There must be something about the summer...

It's been a while...

It has been so long since I posted this blog that I had actually forgotten the name.

Actually I had even forgotten which email address and of course my password. Technology is a wonderful, as you see, here I am once again ready to post.

After take a guess at the name of my blog and failing, I decided to try Google.

What was that phrase I use to say so often, as I blogged? ...after trying a couple different phrases and remembering to use quotes I finally found it...

"Boldly You"


As I began to scan my last post, dated July of 2008 I suddenly realized there were 7 comments. I couldn't believe it, could this be true, could there really be people still reading my blog after not posting for over two whole years?

Of course I had to see, so I clicked on the comment link...

Sure enough there were 7 comments, 6 of them were spam so I deleted them.

Next step, time to check for more spam.

The gift of sharing...

To my surprise what I found wasn't spam, instead I found the words of those who had been touched by what I had shared over the years and a reminder of why I started this journey.

I started this journey to share, to speak with editing, and to connect with others in a way that was meaningful.

What I found was the gift of YOU!

Thank you...

There is not greater gift than the bond we share as people, the bond we share as humans.

Thank you for being here and taking the time to share.

Summer time...

Here it is early August 2010 and as I look back at my last post and my very first post, July of 2005, it suddenly hits me, there must be something about summer that has me want to connect, to embrace and to share.

Does this mean it's time for me to start writing again, I hope so.

As I look inside it is clear to me that there is much more to share.

Until next time, be well and take care.

Talk soon,


As I like to say...

Possibility is not an accident, it's a choice.

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Sunday, July 20, 2008
  My Love Has Changes...
So, I was talking with my wife as she shared that she felt like her love languages have changed.

After some thought I wondered...could mine have changed...

Here are my current results -

Physical Touch: 10
Quality Time: 8
Words of Affirmation: 5
Acts of Service: 4
Receiving Gifts: 3

Yes, there has been a bit of a change.

Tough to say the change is really valid as there were a couple pairs of answers that didn't inspire me at all. Yet, I made a choice!

I would still say that gifts don't do a whole lot for me. Time and touch have always been and still are important for me.

Somewhat amazing for me is the fact that words are 5. I say this because my love for words is extreme. Still, they just don't seem to hold as great an impact as touch and time.

Go ahead...test yourself by clicking here...

Talk soon,

Saturday, March 22, 2008
  God talk...
Before I start let me dust things off...after all it's been a while...grin!

Dust, dust, bump...ouch...dust, dust...

Ok,back to God!

In my neck of the woods there seems to be more and more talk about evolution versus creationism. If you're passionate or more so a zealot then you are already in the know. Still...

The other night while catching a bit of TV a creationism zealot was doing his best to discredit evolution. His tactic, one simple little question "how do they know?"

What struck me was this...

One could ask the very same question of God and the bible! Well, it's true!

What I find most amazing is that so many people are unwilling to question their religious faith and what is true or not for themselves. Why wouldn't you ask the very same question of God?

"How do you know?"

I mean...

Is there an absolute answer on either side?

Why does a single book hold so much influence over people and have so many contradicting views of it's contents at the very same time?

I would offer the following...

If you are unwilling to question or to be critical in your thought process on either side of the fence...creationism or evolution, how can you ever begin to trust yourself?

Be willing, go deeper, go farther and challenger yourself to be honest with yourself! Even if your answer is "I don't know!" Be willing to ask and willing to accept what you do or do not know and be willing to change what you wish!

Have an amazing day,


Be Bold, Be You!
Monday, October 22, 2007
  When is it enough...
How do you know?

Wednesday, January 24, 2007
  There is a price for war...

With love and hope,


Your Life, Your Terms!

James Smith


james at alifeofpossibility dot com
Ever wonder if your really who you WANT TO BE or LIVING the LIFE YOU WANT? Don't you want to live a life that is BOLD and MEMORABLE? If you said yes, what are you WAITING FOR? Here you will find my daily inspirations and questions and bits and pieces of my life. Be a part if you dare! Number one rule: BE YOU and BE BOLD! Join me in having FUN, LOVING, CARING, LIVING, and BREATHING! Remember to BREATH, deep slow breaths, it is IMPORTANT!

Believing In YOU! A Daily Podcast

Why I blog...

Most recent post...

Thoughts on MEN:

MyDAD™ first thoughts...
The Hollow Man™

Thoughts on God:

Religion vs Pride...
Here's my props, to God!
Why God?
Is God a "Purpose" or an "Excuse?"
Without a bible is there a God?
I'm God not human...

July 2005 / August 2005 / September 2005 / October 2005 / November 2005 / December 2005 / February 2006 / March 2006 / June 2006 / July 2006 / August 2006 / September 2006 / October 2006 / January 2007 / October 2007 / March 2008 / July 2008 / August 2010 / September 2010 / October 2012 /

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