Boldly You!
Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Success is Controversial!

Look around how much success do you see?

Do you want to be successful?

Are YOU?

If you had the success that you wanted what would be different?

Who would you spend more time with? Why or why not?
What would be the funnest thing you could do? Why or why not?
Would your career change? Why or why not?

Sure, there are many questions that success could have you or I ask, if we gave it enough attention. That is, if we made it a priority!

Is success a priority for you?

Take a moment to consider all the people you know. Focus on the one person who strikes you as the most successful.

Once you have a successful person in mind ask yourself these questions:

How often do you spend time with that person?
What are they doing different?
Is their success financial, spiritual, or personal?

Have you ever seen a bucket full of crabs? As one starts to climb toward the edge of the bucket, one or more of the other crabs will grab the climbing crab and pull it back down.

If I can't be successful...[fill-in the blank]!

When you do have a moment of success or maybe even start to do something different what is the typical response of those who are closest to you?

Not sure, then consider this; the next time you are with your friends and or family mention something about someone you see as very successful. Someone you would love to emulate.

Now, notice how your friends and family respond to what you shared.

Up the stakes, or raise the bar. Share with your friends or family that you want to have the same or greater success and then pay close attention to their response.

How did their responses feel; supportive or like the climbing crab as it is pulled back into the bucket?

Success, more often than not, is different and in being different you will quickly learn that most people don't "REALLY WANT" success.

If being successful means being different and being different "ISN'T GOOD" then what are the odds of you having success.

Being different is controversial!

People don't want to be the controversial, they want to talk about the controversy! People don't really want to be "DIFFERENT!" Being different will make you standout.

Does being a success mean being "ALONE?"

Have a GREAT day!

With love,


James at ALifeOfPossibility dot com
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