Boldly You!
Friday, August 12, 2005

Death, one man's perspective...

If it could be different would you really want it to be?

It's tomorrow morning, my alarm clock is trying to wake me and not a sound do I hear. No, I'm not sleeping, it's time, it's my turn to find out what is really on the other side of this awake world.


Come on, really, it is going to happen to me, and to you. Death is the one thing we don't get to avoid.

Why does everyone want to avoid DEATH?

In the book "Tuesdays with Morrie" the author talks about how Morrie came to appreciate death and through his appreciation of death he learned to "LOVE" the life he had left to live.

Don't do this, Don't do that...WHY NOT?

Really, how often do you hear such comments. A child goes outside to play and the first words from Mom's mouth "BE CAREFUL!" Ok, Dad's do it too...;-) Why is that?


Did you hear that, "don't do that you'll get hurt!"

I believe Evel Knievel has broken every bone in his body. He has pins and metal plates to boot.

What a life, "REALLY!" How many people do you know that would actually consider, let alone try, to jump something called the "Snake River Canyon?"

Imagine what the world would have lost if Knievel lived a life without risk, just imagine.

Death, who knows what happens after death, it really doesn't matter for those who are alive or does it?

Here is a story, I will paraphrase. The point is "HUGE" for me, I would love to know what it means for you.

A man dies, and finds himself standing in front of God. He tells God how well he lived. He was very safe and very careful in his life. Not a single broken bone, and hardly even a scratch did he experience in his lifetime.

While basking in the pride of his accomplishment, God looked at the man, a bit puzzled, and asked "how is it that you didn't find at least one thing worth taking a risk or worth dieing for?"

It is tomorrow morning, by now my wife has turned off my alarm clock.

Don't cry I say, I lived, I loved, and it wasn't perfect. Still, "IT WAS FUN!" I never quit giving life my best in each moment.


In the end I had a life filled with adventure, many wonderful friends, three beautiful children, a dozen grandchildren, and a friend with whom I shared what it meant to be me.

We loved, we talked, we drifted, we talked, we loved, we argued, we struggled, we loved, and WE LOVED! This friend, "MY WIFE!"

The point:

Celebrate the life lived, "HAVE A PARTY!"

Love me in death as you loved me in life. Hate me in death as you hated me in life. Let me be the same in death as I was in life.

Death doesn't change what was lived!

If you could celebrate death would you?

Are you thankful for your "LIFE?"

With love,


James at ALifeOfPossibility dot com
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